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February 3, 2020

Call for contributions: African health and agricultural development

Africa-China Reporting Project online training and dissemination partner, the China Africa Project (CAP), and the Beijing-based development communications agency Diinsider are launching an exciting new multimedia initiative that will showcase key innovations, programmes and trends in the African health and agricultural development sectors. With the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this 18-month project will engage scholars, practitioners, journalists and others to produce compelling stories that will be distributed to key stakeholders in China and to the CAP’s global audience of 1.3+ million social media followers.


The content produced for this initiative will be targeted at mass audiences in China and around the world using a variety of multimedia formats such as 600-2,000-word articles, photography or vlogs that are well-suited for digital distribution and featuring below the content:

  • FIELD REPORTS: On the ground stories that highlight health and agricultural development best practices and “lessons learned” conducted by Chinese, African and international practitioners.
  • THOUGHT LEADERSHIP COLUMNS: Insights and analysis on key global trends in the health and agricultural sectors that are applicable to Africa and relevant for China’s African engagement in these fields.
  • PEOPLE FEATURES: Stories about inspiring role models, innovators and advocates in African health/agricultural development programs.

Other formats not listed here will also be considered.


The content produced for this initiative will be distributed internationally in English and then translated/adapted specifically for distribution in China.

  • CHINA AFRICA PROJECT: Every week, the CAP will publish a different multimedia asset (story, photo, video) for this initiative that will be distributed on its website, social media channels and included in its influential daily email newsletter. The CAP will also produce a monthly podcast that will highlight the work of editorial contributors and practitioners in the African health/agricultural sector to showcase best practices.
  • DIINSIDER: The Diinsider team will leverage the content produced for this initiative to distribute on various consumer-facing WeChat channels as well as to adapt the material for use in China-Africa health/agriculture seminars for Chinese media, government stakeholders and development practitioners.


There are three main audiences for the content that will be produced as part of this initiative:

  1. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY PRACTITIONERS: The core audience of the China Africa Project is largely compromised of professionals in the policy, development and academic communities.
  2. CHINESE JOURNALISM, DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY PRACTITIONERS: The content will be incorporated into presentations, trainings and seminars specifically tailored for different Chinese stakeholders who attend the seminars/training sessions.
  3. CHINESE MASS AUDIENCE: Editorial and visual stories will also be distributed on various consumer-facing WeChat and other Chinese social media channels to engage, inform and educate consumers about key African health and agricultural topics.


We are looking for a wide array of storytellers and experts to participate in this initiative, women, young people and individuals from China and African countries are especially encouraged to submit ideas for funding.

  • RESEARCHERS/SCHOLARS/ANALYSTS: Thought leaders who study and do field research in the African health and agricultural sectors.
  • JOURNALISTS: Freelance reporters in Africa and around the world who regularly cover these topics.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS: Digital storytellers who understand how to tell compelling narratives on social media.
  • PRACTITIONERS: Individuals who work in African health and agricultural sectors and experience the day-to-day challenges and also recognize the exciting opportunities that come with change and innovation.


Funding will be provided at market rates for editorial content production depending on the scope of the proposal from the applicant. The maximum amount available for a multi-part contribution is US$3,000.

Funding will be allocated on a rolling basis.


If you are interested in applying for funding to produce content for this initiative please submit the following to Dr. Cobus van Staden, The China Africa Project’s Director of Analysis and Research at

  1. Brief letter of intent that summarizes your proposal and qualifications
  2. CV, resume or link to up-to-date LinkedIn profile
  3. Three samples of previous related work



If you have any questions or would just like to find out more information, please don’t hesitate to contact either Cobus or CAP Managing Editor Eric Olander at

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