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How to apply for a grant



How to apply:

  • Journalists should draft a succinct proposal outlining their idea and submit to 
  • Proposals will only be accepted in MS Word. Only letters of recommendation and certificates will be accepted in PDF formats.
  • Proposals should be clearly structured, stating briefly at the outset what the story idea is, followed by how and where the story will be researched and what it aims to reveal or contribute to the Africa-China debate.
  • Proposals will be reviewed by the ACRP at the Wits Centre for Journalism, which will have sole and final discretion on the grants as well as the criteria used and any conditions attached to them. 
  • Preference will be given to proposals with a relatively narrow focus around specific projects or issues. Ambitious and broad attempts to analyse the overall effect of Chinese engagement should be avoided. 
  • Where possible journalists should identify individuals or communities through which to tell the story. While desk research is important, we encourage journalists to look for on-the-ground impact and perspectives.
  • Journalists are encouraged to review the section Guidance for preparing proposals on the ACRP’s training website, where sample proposals can also be studied.

Proposals should include the following:

  • Brief outline of the story idea; what will be investigated, how and where.
  • A budget of expected costs (in Rands for South African journalists or US dollars for journalists from other countries).
  • Journalist’s resumé/CV and samples of published/broadcast work.
  • Indication of where the article will be published.
  • Letter of recommendation from the publisher that guarantees publication of the report.
  • Applicant’s assessment of the risks of the project.
  • Applicant’s valid passport copy.
  • Applicant’s valid permit (if non-South African working or residing in South Africa).
  • Applicant’s valid and stamp banking details document (not older than 3 months). 

Reporting grant terms:

  • The grants are intended to provide funding for travel, accommodation and sundry daily expenses, but not car hire, purchase of equipment or professional fees, or to buy publication space.
  • Grants are generally between $300 and $1,500.
  • Unless otherwise communicated in writing, reporting grant recipients will be paid 80% of the grant total at the outset, and the remaining 20% when (and if) the feature is published on a news media platform/publication (blog publication will not be sufficient). 
  • Successful grant recipients will be required to sign a contract agreement which outlines the terms of the reporting project and agreed budget. 
  • The reporting project should be completed and published within three months of the receipt of the grant funding unless otherwise communicated and agreed in writing. 
  • The Wits Africa-China Reporting Project reserves the right to review and edit copy before it goes to print. 
  • Reporting grant recipients must provide a working draft of their feature to the ACRP, within one month of receipt of the grant funds, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • Reporting grant applicants and recipients are strictly not to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools to produce reporting proposals, drafts, and reports. Applicants and recipients who use AI tools and submit as their own work, will be penalized, and held under academic misconduct.
  • It is the responsibility of journalists to ensure that the work is published, and that acknowledgment is provided to the Wits Africa-China Reporting Project as provider of the grant, if you fail to complete the project, we retain the right to claim the money back from you.
  • Applicants are required to explicitly confirm their independent status and declare any affiliations which may be considered problematic and/or aligned to terrorist groups, including declaring full compliance with OFAC sanctions. 
  • Successful applicants will be expected to supply a valid copy of their passport, and/or a valid permit (if non-South Africa working or residing in South Africa), and stamped banking details, to ensure compliance with the South African Revenue Services (SARS), and the Department of Home Affairs.
  • Payments made through South African banks will incur relevant tax deductions in compliance with SARS.
  • Images used in the publication need to be primary images taken by the journalist. A valid license needs to be provided for the use of secondary sourced images.
  • On completion of the reporting project grant recipients will be required to supply electronic copies of all material produced as a result of the grant.
  • Wits Centre for Journalism will accept no responsibility for the work produced or the conduct of the grantee but retains the right to use any material published as a result of a grant for publicity and promotional purposes although it will at all times provide due accreditation to the journalist/author.


  • 记者应起草一份简要的英文或者中文报道计划,介绍大概想法,并发送至
  • 报道可以使用英文或者中文(中非报道项目会将作品翻译成英文作发表用)
  • 报道计划提交时必须使用MS Word或PDF格式
  • 报道计划应结构清晰,首先是简要说明,其次是怎样进行调查,在何处进行调查,调查的结果可能是什么,或对于中国与非洲关系的讨论有什么意义
  • 报道计划将经由金山大学新闻系审核,新闻系将对奖金及其他任何条件拥有唯一和最终裁量权
  • 将优先考虑围绕具体项目或问题相对聚焦的报道计划。注意避免中国在非洲作用之类的大话题
  • 如果可能的话记者应在报道计划里注明可能的采访对象。尽管案头研究是非常重要的,我们鼓励记者去实地调查
  • 如果还有什么问题可以随时联系


  • 内容的简要介绍;调查对象,方法以及地点
  • 预期预算(南非记者以兰特计价,其他国家以美元计价)
  • 记者的简历和此前作品
  • 作品将在哪里发表
  • 申请人对项目风险的评估(如适用)


  • 奖金旨在资助路费,住宿和日常开支,但不包括汽车租赁,购买设备和专业费用
  • 奖金一般在300美元和1,500美元之间,不超过1,500美元
  • 申请提交后最多两周内可收到反馈
  • 申请成功者需提供护照复印件和能够接收外国汇款的个人银行账户信息
  • 报道项目应在奖金发放后三个月内完成,除非另有约定
  • 记者需确保作品得到出版并标明获得了中非报道项目的资助
  • 成功的申请者将被要求提供自己的护照和银行资料副本可以接收对外支付个人账户报道完成后,记者应提供报道的电子版
  • 中非报道项目不对记者的作品负责,也不对记者的行为负责。中非报道项目对任何出版物有使用的权利用于宣传,并会确保作者的署名权
  • 中非报道项目保留作品出版前审查的权利

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